Together for a New Africa at a Glance

Get to know more about what is the Project Together for a New Africa from Sophia University...

African Identity and Leadership for Unity

A nine day training on Together for a New Africa bringing together over one hundred participants has...

A project created by Africans for Africa

Who we are? We are Young African Students from Sophia University Institute, in Italy. We would like to...

Identity Crisis and Leadership for Unity

The second training on Together for a New Africa is currently underway in Kenya bringing together over...

Rediscovering African Identity and Leadership

In the Focolare little town named Mariapolis Pierro in Kenya, more than 120 young people will be...

T4NA – the kickoff of the Second Phase

New cycle of the initiative starts with a meeting of 42 volunteering tutors from 14 African nations. Text: Liliane...

Prudent not fearful: Uganda can climb the mountain of covid_19

Across borders, nations are fighting against an invisible enemy.  From taking up newspapers’ headlines and television airtime,...

T4NA – Second Summer School

This is a short video of the Second Summer School of Together for a New Africa Project...

RDC: Together For a New Africa plaide pour la scolarisation des...

Chers Parents, nous vous prions d’arrêter immédiatement cette discrimination à l’égard de la fille, elle doit être traitée équitablement comme les garçons, car les filles ont des atouts possibles d’apporter une pierre à la construction de notre province

International Women’s Day ought to go beyond the “happy women’s Day”...

An article by Nalumansi Angel Elizabeth, a gender and Human rights activist and member of Together for...