Tuesday 11 th October 2022, at sophia University Institute, Florence – Italy, the coordinator of Together of a new Africa Melchior Nsavyimana, together with Declan O’Byrne, acting Rector of Sophia University Institute and African students who participated to the recent tutors training in Kenya held a meeting to update the sophia academic Staffs and students about the project. Besides the update on the training of the tutors held from 27th September to 1st October , the moment aimed to express  gratitude for the support of Sophia University Institute in every step of Together for a new Africa. Hence, to  introduce the Project to new students.

The meeting falls into the annual initiative carried on by members of T4NA at Sophia University Institute.They have embraced the culture of transmitting the project from generation to another to keep alive the spirit of innovation and protagonist mainly for the African students who find a particular interest for the project . Their contribution has been remarkable and highly appreciated  during  the pilot project that was concluded early this year. The work done by those who got the opportunity to attend the tutors training last September shows that T4NA can rely on their  commitment for the success of the next Cycle.

This meeting occurred at the best timing. The academic year 2022-2023 started a few weeks ago at Sophia University Institute and on 1st October, T4NA officially was set for the second Cycle after an insightful and successful training of tutors, coming from 14 countries: Kenya, Burundi, Madagascar, Nigeria, Cameroun, Togo, Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Uganda, Angola, Tanzania, Republic Democratic of Congo, Benin, Ivory Coast. It was a wonderful occasion for the students of Sophia University Institute to be with the coordinator and promoter of T4NA and have an exchange about the project. In a special way for the African students.